“Limit cycle control and its application to the animation of balancing and walking” by Laszlo, Panne and Fiume

  • ©Joseph Laszlo, Michiel van de Panne, and Eugene Fiume




    Limit cycle control and its application to the animation of balancing and walking



    Seemingly simple behaviors such as human walking are difficult to model because of their inherent instability. Kinematic animation techniques can freely ignore such intrinsically dynamic problems, but they therefore also miss modeling important motion characteristics. On the other hand, the effect of balancing can emerge in a physically-based animation, but it requires computing delicate control strategies. We propose an alternative method that adds closed-loop feedback to open-loop periodic motions. We then apply our technique to create robust walking gaits for a fully-dynamic 19 degree-of-freedom human model. Important global characteristics such as direction, speed and stride rate can be controlled by changing the open-loop behavior alone or through simple control parameters, while continuing to employ the same local stabilization technique. Among other features, our dynamic “human” walking character is thus able to follow desired paths specified by the animator.


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