“Knowing Together: an experiment in collaborative photogrammetry” by Yu and Berret

  • ©Rosalie Yu and Charles Berret

  • ©Rosalie Yu and Charles Berret

  • ©Rosalie Yu and Charles Berret




    Knowing Together: an experiment in collaborative photogrammetry



    Knowing Together is a collection of sculptures designed to explore collaborative techniques for capturing three-dimensional images. Thirty-five participants collectively created these images by forming circles and passing a camera around. These images were stitched together to form 3D models whose distortions are preserved as artifacts attesting to their creation process, suggesting novel approaches to photogrammetry that do not treat photorealism as its ideal quality.


    1. L. Manovich, “Image Future,” www.manovich.net/content/04-projects/048-image-future/45_article_2006.pdf, (2006).
    2. P.E. Debevec, C.J. Taylor and J. Malik, “Modeling and Rendering Architecture from Photographs: A Hybrid Geometry- and Image-Based Approach,” SIGGRAPH ’96 (1996).
    3. P.E. Borchers, Photogrammetric Recording of Cultural Resources (Washington, D.C.: Office of Archeology and Historic Preservation, 1977).
    4. R. Yu, Embrace in Progress, “Creating Virtual Environments with 3D Printing and Photogrammetry” workshop, SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 (2016).
    5. J. Crary, Techniques of the Observer (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1990).
    6. G. Batchen, Burning with Desire: The Conception of Photography (Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1997).
    7. C. D’Ignazio and L. Klein, “Feminist Data Visualization,” Workshop on Visualization for the Digital Humanities (VIS4DH), IEEE Baltimore (2016).

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©Rosalie Yu and Charles Berret ©Rosalie Yu and Charles Berret ©Rosalie Yu and Charles Berret

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