“KinEmotion: Context controllable emotional motion analysis method for interactive cartoon generator” by Nara, Fujimura, Koide, Kunitomi and Shirai

  • ©Yuto Nara, Wataru Fujimura, Yukua Koide, Genki Kunitomi, and Akihiko Shirai

  • ©Yuto Nara, Wataru Fujimura, Yukua Koide, Genki Kunitomi, and Akihiko Shirai



Entry Number: 63


    KinEmotion: Context controllable emotional motion analysis method for interactive cartoon generator



    Recently, cartoon contents are applying to various media like interactive systems. In a near future, the desire of user may become to immerse their live experience into a cartoon content deeply. In automatic cartoon generation environment using NUI (Natural User Interface) like Kinect, we can comprehend the importance of linking emotion expression with user’s posture. Its story and impression are uncontrollable, if the system could not choose a suitable effect for each user motion. The system should have story driven method to protect the interpretation of the world, even if there is its original piece of manga.


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