“KineCAM: An Instant Camera for Animated Photographs” by Sethapakdi, Leake, Rodriguez, Cai and Mueller

  • ©Ticha Sethapakdi, Mackenzie Leake, Catalina Monsalve Rodriguez, Miranda J. Cai, and Stefanie Mueller



Entry Number: 14


    KineCAM: An Instant Camera for Animated Photographs

Session/Category Title:   Visions: CV and Image Capture



    The kinegram is a classic animation technique that involves sliding a striped overlay across an interlaced image to create the effect of frame-by-frame motion. While there are known tools for generating kinegrams from pre-existing videos and images, there exists no system for capturing and fabricating kinegrams in situ. To bridge this gap, we created KineCAM, an open source1 instant camera that captures and prints animated photographs in the form of kinegrams. KineCAM combines the form factor of instant cameras with the expressiveness of animated photographs to explore and extend creative applications for instant photography.


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