“Is a Career in Computer Graphics Possible? Part 2: Dedication and Expectation” by Fulle, Koch and LaBounta

  • ©Jenny Fulle, Kevin Koch, and Henry LaBounta



Entry Number: 06


    Is a Career in Computer Graphics Possible? Part 2: Dedication and Expectation



    Is our work environment becoming as ephemeral as our work? Companies are demanding more of our time, making permanent crunch time a possible future. Can companies stay profitable while avoiding massive overtime, or are classaction lawsuits by employees going to proliferate?

    Or is that impossible? Should we just learn to live with serious stress and eventual burnout?

    How have employers and employees who have been in this business for many years survived?

    What can all of us (companies, employers, researchers, developers, artists, students) do to make sure that sane and stable jobs exist for us in computer graphics?


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