“Is a Career in Computer Graphics Possible? Part 1: Skills and Training” by Cooke, Maloney and Maruyama

  • ©Chryssa Cooke, Greg Maloney, and Ken Maruyama



Entry Number: 02


    Is a Career in Computer Graphics Possible? Part 1: Skills and Training



    How can anyone keep up with the rapid advances in our field? Employees who want to stay current with new technologies and techniques must find a balance with their daily work schedule. If you can’t keep up, will you stay employed?

    Are schools able to represent the environment students will eventually find in the field? What skill sets are most valuable? Is is a better to be a generalist or a specialist? How much should new employees be expected to know, and how much should they expect to be trained on the job?

    Is it worth it for employers to help keep their employees trained, or are they better off just hiring people who are on the cutting edge? Are training departments able to keep up with the demands of employees who are on shortened schedules?

    Is becoming obsolete inevitable? Or are there strategies for staying current?


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