“Invertible motion blur in video” by Agrawal, Xu and Raskar

  • ©Amit Agrawal, Yi Xu, and Ramesh Raskar




    Invertible motion blur in video



    We show that motion blur in successive video frames is invertible even if the point-spread function (PSF) due to motion smear in a single photo is non-invertible. Blurred photos exhibit nulls (zeros) in the frequency transform of the PSF, leading to an ill-posed deconvolution. Hardware solutions to avoid this require specialized devices such as the coded exposure camera or accelerating sensor motion. We employ ordinary video cameras and introduce the notion of null-filling along with joint-invertibility of multiple blur-functions. The key idea is to record the same object with varying PSFs, so that the nulls in the frequency component of one frame can be filled by other frames. The combined frequency transform becomes null-free, making deblurring well-posed. We achieve jointly-invertible blur simply by changing the exposure time of successive frames. We address the problem of automatic deblurring of objects moving with constant velocity by solving the four critical components: preservation of all spatial frequencies, segmentation of moving parts, motion estimation of moving parts, and non-degradation of the static parts of the scene. We demonstrate several challenging cases of object motion blur including textured backgrounds and partial occluders.


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