“Introduction to Raster Graphics Tutorial” Chaired by James (Jim) F. Blinn

  • ©James (Jim) F. Blinn, James D. Foley, Alvy Ray Smith, Henry N. Christiansen, and Martin E. Newell

  • ©James (Jim) F. Blinn, James D. Foley, Alvy Ray Smith, Henry N. Christiansen, and Martin E. Newell




    Introduction to Raster Graphics Tutorial

Course Organizer(s):



    What is Raster Graphics? Raster graphics is an area of computer graphics based upon a particular technology for displaying images: the simple CRT raster scan used by the millions of TV sets around the world. In a raster scan, the CRT’s electron beam follows a fixed pattern, which is repeated about 30 times a second. An image is created by varying the intensity of the electron beam. In simple systems the intensity variation is between the on and off states, while more complex systems allow multiple levels of intensity and/or color.

Additional Information:

    Who should attend:
    • Decision-makers in the purchase or evaluation of raster graphic equipment
    • Managers of projects that use or intend to use raster graphics
    • Anyone with some experience in vector graphics
    • Anyone considering raster graphics as a candidate for application

    The sessions will include:
    • Hardware for raster graphics
    • Software for raster graphics
    • Three-dimensional techniques
    • Interactive techniques


Contents/Schedule PDF:

Overview Page: