“Interpolating splines with local tension, continuity, and bias control” by Kochanek and Bartels

  • ©Doris H. U. Kochanek and Richard H. Bartels




    Interpolating splines with local tension, continuity, and bias control



    This paper presents a new method for using cubic interpolating splines in a key frame animation system. Three control parameters allow the animator to change the tension, continuity, and bias of the splines. Each of these three parameters can be used for either local or global control. Our technique produces a very general class of interpolating cubic splines which includes the cardinal splines as a proper subset.


    1. R. Baecker, “Interactive Computer-Mediated Animation”, PhD Thesis, MIT, Project MAC Technical Report MAC- TR-61, 1969.
    2. B. Barsky, “The Beta-spline: A Local Representation Based on Shape Parameters and Fundamental Geometric Measures”, Ph.D. dissertation, Department of Computer Science, University of Utah, December, 1981.
    3. B. Barsky and J. Beatty, “Local Control of Bias and Tension in Beta-Splines”, Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH ’83), 17 (3), pp. 193-218, July, 1983.
    4. R. Bartels, J. Beatty, and B. Barsky, “An Introduction to the Use of Splines in Computer Graphics”, Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, TR CS-83-09, August 1983.
    5. N. Burtnyk and M. Wein, “Computer Generated Key Frame Animation”, Journal of the SMPTE 80, pp. 149-153, March, 1971.
    6. N. Burtnyk and M. Wein, “Interactive Skeleton Techniques for Enhancing Motion Dynamics in Key Frame Animation”, Communications of the ACM 19 (10) pp. 564-569, October, 1976.
    7. D. Greenberg, S. Wu, and J. Abel, “An Interactive Computer Graphics Approach to Surface Representation”, Communications of the ACM 20 (10) pp. 703-712, October, 1977.
    8. D. Kochanek, “A Computer System for Smooth Keyframe Animation”, MMath Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, Technical Report CS-82-42, December, 1982.
    9. W. Reeves, “Inbetweening for Computer Animation Utilizing Moving Point Constraints”, Computer Graphics (SIGGRAPH ’81), 15 (3), pp. 263-269, August, 1981.
    10. A. Smith, “Spline Tutorial Notes – Technical Memo No. 77”, SIGGRAPH ’83 Tutorial Notes: Introduction to Computer Animation, pp. 64-75, July, 1983.
    11. M. Tuori, “Tools and Techniques for Computer-aided Animation”, MSc Thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, 1977.

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