“Interactive level-set tools for photo editing” by Howard and Morse
Interest Area:
- Application
- Interactive level-set tools for photo editing
Session/Category Title: Image Technology
This sketch presents a suite of interactive image-editing tools based on properties of and manipulation of image level sets. This suite includes level-set smoothing, level-set constrained sharpening, and level-set “nudging” (image distortion).
1. Alvarez, L., Guichard, F., Lions, P.-L., and Morel, J.-M. 92. Axioms and fundamental equations of image processing. Tech. Rep. 9231, Ceremade, Universite Paris-Dauphine, Place de Lattre de Tassigny, 75775 Paris Cedex 16 France.
2. Morse, B. S., and Schwartwald, D. 2001. Level-set image reconstruction. In Proceedings Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), IEEE Computer Society Press.
3. Sapiro, G. 2001. Geometric Partial Differential Equations and Image Analysis. Cambridge University Press.
4. Sethian, J. A. 1996. Level Set Methods. Cambridge University Press.