“Interactive layered character animation in immersive virtual environments” by Kostandov, Jianu, Zhou and Moscovich

  • ©Mykhaylo Kostandov, Radu Jianu, Wenjin Zhou, and Tomer Moscovich

  • ©Mykhaylo Kostandov, Radu Jianu, Wenjin Zhou, and Tomer Moscovich




    Interactive layered character animation in immersive virtual environments



     We present a novel method for creating 3D animations by letting  users act directly on 3D characters in a virtual reality Cave [Cruz- Neira et al. 1993] environment. Our system records the perfor- mance of the animator as she manipulates the character’s joints and  limbs using 3D trackers. By making multiple passes, animators can  layer simple motions to create more complex animations. For ex- ample, an animator may first record a character’s arm motion, and  later the movement of its head. We believe our approach bridges the gap between animators and the characters they bring to life by making animators an integral part of the virtual world inhabited by their characters.  


    1. Cruz-Neira, C., Sandin, D. J., and Defanti, T. A. 1993. Surround-screen projection-based virtual reality: The design and implementation of the cave. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH, vol. 27, ACM, 135–142.
    2. Dontcheva, M., Yngve, G., and Popović, Z. 2003. Layered acting for character animation. ACM Trans. Graph. 22, 3, 409–416.
    3. Smith, R. Open Dynamics Engine. http://www.ode.org.

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©Mykhaylo Kostandov, Radu Jianu, Wenjin Zhou, and Tomer Moscovich

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