“Interactive geometry remeshing”

  • ©Pierre Alliez, Mark Meyer, and Mathieu Desbrun

  • ©Pierre Alliez, Mark Meyer, and Mathieu Desbrun




    Interactive geometry remeshing



    We present a novel technique, both flexible and efficient, for interactive remeshing of irregular geometry. First, the original (arbitrary genus) mesh is substituted by a series of 2D maps in parameter space. Using these maps, our algorithm is then able to take advantage of established signal processing and halftoning tools that offer real-time interaction and intricate control. The user can easily combine these maps to create a control map — a map which controls the sampling density over the surface patch. This map is then sampled at interactive rates allowing the user to easily design a tailored resampling. Once this sampling is complete, a Delaunay triangulation and fast optimization are performed to perfect the final mesh.As a result, our remeshing technique is extremely versatile and general, being able to produce arbitrarily complex meshes with a variety of properties including: uniformity, regularity, semi-regularity, curvature sensitive resampling, and feature preservation. We provide a high level of control over the sampling distribution allowing the user to interactively custom design the mesh based on their requirements thereby increasing their productivity in creating a wide variety of meshes.


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