“Interactive Generation of Human Animation with Deformable Motion Models” by Min, Chen and Chai
- Interactive Generation of Human Animation with Deformable Motion Models
Session/Category Title: Editing Motion
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This article presents a new motion model deformable motion models for human motion modeling and synthesis. Our key idea is to apply statistical analysis techniques to a set of precaptured human motion data and construct a low-dimensional deformable motion model of the form x = M(α, γ), where the deformable parameters α and γ control the motion’s geometric and timing variations, respectively. To generate a desired animation, we continuously adjust the deformable parameters’ values to match various forms of user-specified constraints. Mathematically, we formulate the constraint-based motion synthesis problem in a Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) framework by estimating the most likely deformable parameters from the user’s input. We demonstrate the power and flexibility of our approach by exploring two interactive and easy-to-use interfaces for human motion generation: direct manipulation interfaces and sketching interfaces.
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