“Inspiring Digital Transformation Based on Empowering Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Transdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Attitudes Through Coding and Visualizing Web3D Virtual Reality Spaces Since K-12 Education Levels” by Franco

  • ©Jorge Ferreira Franco




    Inspiring Digital Transformation Based on Empowering Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Transdisciplinary Lifelong Learning Attitudes Through Coding and Visualizing Web3D Virtual Reality Spaces Since K-12 Education Levels



    This work shares conceptual knowledge and practical implementation features related to a trajectory of a k-12 education project which has used Web3D-based information production and visualization tools, such as 3D computer graphics programming techniques, through computational practices (CP). Web3D based resources have been applied via CP for inspiring individuals’ diversity participation in digital and educational transformation. An equitable educators and students’ community of practice has been formed throughout ones’ designing, coding, visualizing and navigating 3D virtual reality (3DVR) spaces. Dialogic and collaborative techniques have engaged ones in researching and building 3DVR spaces integrated with applying curriculum scientific knowledge concepts, such as math, geometry, languages, technology and arts within and beyond a Primary School environment located in an under social and economic disadvantage suburban area of a metropolitan city in a developing country.

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