“Inputted text to Animated Sign Language, interactive interface, a Self-learning with fun.” by Agravat

  • ©Bipin B. Agravat




    Inputted text to Animated Sign Language, interactive interface, a Self-learning with fun.



    To bridge a disability divide digitally, an animated sign language, an interactive self learning tutor, is an online website as well as a offline software helps the people to learn sign language by allowing converted typed text to sign language animation sequence. Learning sign language is “time consuming, confusing and boring.” says a mother whose son has hearing and Speech impaired. Our tool offers users a chance to enjoy an interactive animated sign language sequence of the worlds they have typed from the keyboard. We want to empower people with disabilities to enjoy their ICT experience by making the interface like a chat browser between people-computer-people Additionally we would like to demonstrate how this human computer interaction can strengthen the awareness of computers among the people with hearing and spoken disability.


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