“HECTOR – scripting-based VR system design” by Wetzstein, Gollner, Beck, Weiszig, Derkau, et al. …

  • ©Gordon Wetzstein, Moritz Gollner, Stephan David Beck, Felix Weiszig, Sebastian Derkau, Jan P. Springer, and Bernd Fröhlich

  • ©Gordon Wetzstein, Moritz Gollner, Stephan David Beck, Felix Weiszig, Sebastian Derkau, Jan P. Springer, and Bernd Fröhlich




    HECTOR - scripting-based VR system design



    Modern VR systems embrace the idea of scripting interfaces for rapid prototyping of applications. HECTOR goes one step further: the entire core of the VR system is written in PYTHON, easily gluing interchangeable high-performance C++ libraries, a module-based system infrastructure and a scripting-based application layer. Thus, the time consuming and error prone compile-debug cycle for application and system development becomes obsolete — both, the infrastructure and the application layer, can be extended or modified even at run-time.


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