“Glare simulation and its application to evaluation of bright lights with spectral power distribution” by Kakimoto, Matsuoka, Nishita, Naemura and Harashima

  • ©Masanori Kakimoto, Kaoru Matsuoka, Tomoyuki Nishita, Takeshi Naemura, and Hiroshi Harashima

  • ©Masanori Kakimoto, Kaoru Matsuoka, Tomoyuki Nishita, Takeshi Naemura, and Hiroshi Harashima




    Glare simulation and its application to evaluation of bright lights with spectral power distribution



    Glare effect is widely used as a special effect in computer graphics for entertainment and games. Our goal is to extend the application of glare generation to more practical, simulation-oriented areas like lighting evaluation. We propose a new method of glare generation which takes into account real measured data sets including light source intensity with its spectral power distribution, the silhouette of the objects causing glare, and the color matching function. The method is based on our previous work [Kakimoto et al. 2004] and is extended for use with high dynamic range light sources containing a series of light wavelengths.


    1. Kakimoto, M., Matsuoka, K., Nishita, T., Naemura, T., and Harashima, H. 2004. Glare generation based on wave optics. In Proc. Pacific Graphics 2004, 133–142.
    2. Tumblin, J., Hodgins, J. K., and Guenter, B. K. 1999. Two methods for display of high contrast images. ACM TOG 18, 1, 56–94.

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©Masanori Kakimoto, Kaoru Matsuoka, Tomoyuki Nishita, Takeshi Naemura, and Hiroshi Harashima ©Masanori Kakimoto, Kaoru Matsuoka, Tomoyuki Nishita, Takeshi Naemura, and Hiroshi Harashima

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