“Glide: a language for design information systems” by Eastman and Henrion

  • ©Charles Eastman and Max Henrion




    Glide: a language for design information systems



    A primary means for evolving more
    powerful computer software is through the
    embedding of higher level features into
    problem-oriented languages. To late, CAD
    (computer-aided design) systems have had to
    begin development from FORTRAN, PL/1 or language
    of similar level. Yet there are needs common to
    many CAD applications which could be provided in
    the language or system foundation from which they
    are developed. GLIDE (Graphical Language for
    Interactive DEsign) is an attempt to organize the
    commonly-needed database. features and operations
    for the design of physical systems into a high
    level computing environment. By “physical
    system” we mean artifacts such as buildings,
    ships and machines, that are made up of a
    3-dimensional components and in which spatial
    arrangement is an important concern. GLIDE is
    intended to provide an efficient computer
    representation for physical systems in sufficient
    detail for their design and construction


    1. Baer A., C. M. Eastman and M. Henrion, “A survey of geometric modelling systems”, Institute of Physical Planning Research Report No 66, Carnegie Mellon University 1977.
    2. Baumgart, B. G., “A Polyhedron Representation for Computer Vision,” Proceedings of the National Computer Conference, 1975.
    3. Braid, I. C. and C. Lang, “The design of mechanical components with volume building bricks” COMPUTER LANGUAGES FOR NUMERICAL CONTROL,. J. Hatvany, ed. North-Holland Publishing Co. London, 1973.
    4. Brun JM “EUCLID: Manual”, Equipe graphique du LIMSI, B. P. 30, Orsay, France.
    5. Chalmers, J., “The development of CEDAR” International Conference in Computers in Architecture, York, 1972.
    6. Eastman,C. and M. Henrion, “Language for a Design Information System”, Institute of Physical Planning Research Report No. 58, Carnegie-Mellon University, February, 1976 (revised).
    7. Eastman C, “The concise structuring of geometric data for CAD” in DATA STRUCTURES FOR PATTERN RECOGNITION AND COMPUTER GRAPHICS. A Klinger, H fu and T Kunii (eds) Academic Press 1976a.
    8. Eastman, C. “General Purpose Building Description Systems”, COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN, 8:1(January, 1976c) pp.17-26.
    9. Eastman, C. and J. Lividini, “Spatial Search”, Institute of Physical Planning Research Report No. 55, Carnegie-Mellon University, May 1975.
    10. Engeli, Max. “A language for 3D graphics applications” INTERNATIONAL COMPUTING SYMPOSIUM 1973, North Holland Press, 1974.
    11. Hosaka, M., T. Matsushita, F. Kimura and N. Kakishita, “A Software System for Computer Aided Activities”, Proceedings IFIP W.G.5.2 Conference on CAD Systems, Austin, Texas, 1976.
    12. Hoskins, E. M.,”Computer aids in building”,COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN, J. J. Vlietstra and R. F. Weilinga (eds.) American Elsevier, N. Y. 1973.
    13. Lafue, G. “Recognition of Three-Dimensional Objects From Orthographic Views”, SIGGRAPH NATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, ACM, N. Y., 1976, p.103-108.
    14. Newell, M. and D. Evans. “Modeling by Computer”, Proceedings of the IFIP W. G. 5.2 Conference on CAD Systems, Austin, Texas, February, 1976.
    15. Newman, W. “Display Procedures” CACM 14,No 10 651 Oct 1971
    16. Production Automation Project “An introduction to PADL”, TM-22, University of Rochester, NY 1974
    17. Shu, H. H., “Geometric Moleling for Mechanical Parts” 4th NSF/RANN Grantees’ Conference on Production Research and Technology, Chicago, November 1976.
    18. Sutherland, I. “Three Dimensional Data Input by Tablet”, PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, 62:64, (April, 1974).
    19. Thornton, R., “MODEL: Interactive Modeling in Three Dimensions Through Two-Dimensiona Windows” unpublished, MS thesis, Cornell 1976.
    20. Brainin, Jack “Use of COMRADE in engineering design”, 1973 National Computer Conference, AFIPS Press, Montvale NJ,1973

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