“Frontiers Workshop: Beyond Linear Perspective: Art, Human Vision, and Computer Graphics” by Hertzmann, Koenderink and Pepperell
Interest Area:
- Art / Design and Research / Education
- Frontiers Workshop: Beyond Linear Perspective: Art, Human Vision, and Computer Graphics
Linear perspective is a simple and elegant method of representing 3D space on a 2D plane. It was discovered by artists and architects in the fifteenth century and now underpins nearly all our imaging technologies, from cameras to computer graphics engines. Yet few people are aware of its limitations and the fact that artists have rarely used it because of them, or that several other nonlinear methods exist that can do a better job in conveying subjective visual experience. These other methods have a surprisingly rich history in art and mathematics and are increasingly relevant to those developing new forms of 3D rendering and computational photography. How to computationally model and apply these methods remains an important open research problem.
The workshop will explore this area of frontier research in depth and from several disciplinary angles and aims to foster research between computer graphics, art, and visual perception. A panel of experts from different fields will discuss various forms of artistically-inspired perspectives, the relationship between these perspectives and the human visual system, and the impact they are having on computer graphics and computational photography. An optional drawing exercise will help participants appreciate critical features of human visual experience and better understand some of the ideas that will be presented.