“Free-viewpoint video of human actors” by Carranza, Theobalt, Magnor and Seidel

  • ©Joel Carranza, Christian Theobalt, Marcus A. Magnor, and Hans-Peter Seidel




    Free-viewpoint video of human actors



    In free-viewpoint video, the viewer can interactively choose his viewpoint in 3-D space to observe the action of a dynamic real-world scene from arbitrary perspectives. The human body and its motion plays a central role in most visual media and its structure can be exploited for robust motion estimation and efficient visualization. This paper describes a system that uses multi-view synchronized video footage of an actor’s performance to estimate motion parameters and to interactively re-render the actor’s appearance from any viewpoint.The actor’s silhouettes are extracted from synchronized video frames via background segmentation and then used to determine a sequence of poses for a 3D human body model. By employing multi-view texturing during rendering, time-dependent changes in the body surface are reproduced in high detail. The motion capture subsystem runs offline, is non-intrusive, yields robust motion parameter estimates, and can cope with a broad range of motion. The rendering subsystem runs at real-time frame rates using ubiquous graphics hardware, yielding a highly naturalistic impression of the actor. The actor can be placed in virtual environments to create composite dynamic scenes. Free-viewpoint video allows the creation of camera fly-throughs or viewing the action interactively from arbitrary perspectives.


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