“‘Field’ Work” by Johnson, Moher, Cho, Edelson and Russell

  • ©Andrew Johnson, Thomas (Tom) Moher, Yong-Joo Cho, Danny Edelson, and Eric Russell

  • ©Andrew Johnson, Thomas (Tom) Moher, Yong-Joo Cho, Danny Edelson, and Eric Russell




    ‘Field’ Work



    Sixth grade students at Abraham Lincoln Elementary School explore a virtual field via an ImmersaDesk and collect data there using hand-helds computers. Back in the classroom they integrate their data, visualize it to see the patterns that emerge, and then propose explanations for these patterns. The goal is to help the students learn science inquiry skills within an environment that encourages their formation.


    This project involves the hard work of a large number of people including Greg Dawe, Janet Kim, Dave Haas, Yalu Lin, Alan Verlo, Josh Radinsky, Jason Leigh. We would especially like to thank Kevin Harris and his 6th grade class, principal Carol Dudzik and the teachers, staff, and students at Lincoln Elementary.

    This research was made possible through major funding from the National Science Foundation, specifically EIA 9720351, DUE 9979537, BCS 9907839, and EIA 0085946.

    The virtual reality and advanced networking research, collaborations, and outreach programs at EVL are made possible by major funding from NSF awards EIA-9802090, EIA-0115809, ANI-9980480, ANI-0229642, ANI-9730202, ANI-0123399, ANI-0129527 and EAR-0218918, as well as the NSF ITR cooperative agreement ANI-0225642 to the University of California San Diego and the NSF PACI cooperative agreement ACI- 9619019 to the National Computational Science Alliance. EVL also receives funding from the DOE ASCI VIEWS program, the State of Illinois, Microsoft Research, General Motors Research, and Pacific Interface on behalf of NTT Optical Network Systems Laboratory in Japan.

    ImmersaDesk is a registered trademark of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois.


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