“Feature comparison of 3D meshes by inferring 2D feature maps”

  • ©Blerim Mustafa, Vlado Trajkovik, and Danco Davcev

  • ©Blerim Mustafa, Vlado Trajkovik, and Danco Davcev




    Feature comparison of 3D meshes by inferring 2D feature maps



    No abstract available.


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    3. Vranic, D. V., Saupe, D., and Richter, J. 2001. Tools for 3D-object retrieval: Karhunen-Loeve Transform and spherical harmonics. In Proceedings of IEEE MMSP 2001, 293–298.
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©Blerim Mustafa, Vlado Trajkovik, and Danco Davcev ©Blerim Mustafa, Vlado Trajkovik, and Danco Davcev

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