“Feature-aligned T-meshes” by Myles, Pietroni, Kovacs and Zorin

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    Feature-aligned T-meshes



    High-order and regularly sampled surface representations are more efficient and compact than general meshes and considerably simplify many geometric modeling and processing algorithms. A number of recent algorithms for conversion of arbitrary meshes to regularly sampled form (typically quadrangulation) aim to align the resulting mesh with feature lines of the geometry. While resulting in a substantial improvement in mesh quality, feature alignment makes it difficult to obtain coarse regular patch partitions of the mesh.In this paper, we propose an approach to constructing patch layouts consisting of small numbers of quadrilateral patches while maintaining good feature alignment. To achieve this, we use quadrilateral T-meshes, for which the intersection of two faces may not be the whole edge or vertex, but a part of an edge. T-meshes offer more flexibility for reduction of the number of patches and vertices in a base domain while maintaining alignment with geometric features. At the same time, T-meshes retain many desirable features of quadrangulations, allowing construction of high-order representations, easy packing of regularly sampled geometric data into textures, as well as supporting different types of discretizations for physical simulation.


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