“Fast Physically Based Musculoskeletal Simulation” by Pai, Sueda and Wei
- Fast Physically Based Musculoskeletal Simulation
Session/Category Title: Animating Humans in a Physical World
Human movement is complex and subtle because it involves the coordinated action of a large number of muscles under neural control. Simulation holds the promise of providing a powerful and inexpensive way to generate and study this complexity. The models available today can be broadly divided into two categories, due to their very different modeling choices.
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Teran, J., Blemker, S., Ng-Thow-Hing, V., and Fedkiw, R. 2003. Finite volume methods for the simulation of skeletal muscle. In Proc. 2003 ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation, 68–74.