“Fast dynamic fracture of brittle objects in 3D”

  • ©Ohan Oda and Neesha Subramaniam

  • ©Ohan Oda and Neesha Subramaniam




    Fast dynamic fracture of brittle objects in 3D



    Fracture simulation is an important aspect of computer games as it enhances interactivity and realism. Due to the high computational cost, most computer games do not simulate accurate fractures. The ideal fracture model for computer games should be fast and respond to user actions somewhat realistically. Most of the existing fracture modeling techniques are designed for non real-time computer animation (e.g. [O’Brien and Hodgins August 1999; Smith et al. 2001]) and are not only computationally expensive but also more realistic than necessary for computer games. Our algorithm uses a multi-stage dynamic refinement technique to reduce the necessary number of tetrahedral meshes for realistic results, thus reducing the computational cost. This work is an extension of the work of Oda et al. [August 2005] to 3D.


    1. Endres, L., and Krysl, P. 2004. Octasection-based refinement of finite element approximations on tetrahedral meshes that guarantees shape quality. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 59, 1, 69–82.
    2. O’Brien, J. F., and Hodgins, J. K. August 1999. Graphical modeling and animation of brittle fracture. In Computer Graphics: Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 99, 137–146.
    3. Oda, O., and Chenney, S. August 2005. Fast dynamic fracture of brittle objects. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2005, Poster.
    4. Smith, J., Witkin, A., and Baraff, D. 2001. Fast and controllable simulation of the shattering of brittle objects. Computer Graphics Forum 20, 2, 81–91.

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©Ohan Oda and Neesha Subramaniam ©Ohan Oda and Neesha Subramaniam ©Ohan Oda and Neesha Subramaniam

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