“Eyeglasses-free display: towards correcting visual aberrations with computational light field displays” by Huang, Wetzstein, Barsky and Raskar

  • ©Fu-Chung Huang, Gordon Wetzstein, Brian A. Barsky, and Ramesh Raskar




    Eyeglasses-free display: towards correcting visual aberrations with computational light field displays

Session/Category Title:   Displays




    Millions of people worldwide need glasses or contact lenses to see or read properly. We introduce a computational display technology that predistorts the presented content for an observer, so that the target image is perceived without the need for eyewear. By designing optics in concert with prefiltering algorithms, the proposed display architecture achieves significantly higher resolution and contrast than prior approaches to vision-correcting image display. We demonstrate that inexpensive light field displays driven by efficient implementations of 4D prefiltering algorithms can produce the desired vision-corrected imagery, even for higher-order aberrations that are difficult to be corrected with glasses. The proposed computational display architecture is evaluated in simulation and with a low-cost prototype device.


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