“Extending Graphics Standards to Meet Industry Requirements” Moderated by Albert(Al) Bunshaft
Entry Number: 13
- Extending Graphics Standards to Meet Industry Requirements
Additional Information:
Users are forcing the coexistence of graphics systems with ease of use and performance as their requirements. At the same time, product developers are concerned about upward compatibility as well as exploitation of technology. There are still a number of technical questions remaining as to which path is the best to follow. This panel covers possible extensions to GKS, PHIGS and X-Windows by discussing the efforts to understand and improve these standards. The panel members represent implementers, researchers and independent consultants who have participated in the development of these systems.
The most recent status of efforts in these areas are discussed including the GKS Revision Cycle, PHIGS+, X-PEX and other related activities. This panel updates the technical community on these efforts and exposes them to opposing viewpoints. The audience is encouraged to express their opinions. The panel members focus on the following subjects: extending existing graphics standards; PHIGS+-extensions to PHIGS for curves, surfaces, light source modeling and shading; and extending X Window Systems for high-performance 3-D graphics.