“Explicit Control of Topological Evolution in 3D Mesh Morphing” by Takahashi, Kokojima and Ohbuchi

  • ©Shigeo Takahashi, Yoshiyuki Kokojima, and Ryutarou Ohbuchi



Interest Area:



    Explicit Control of Topological Evolution in 3D Mesh Morphing

Session/Category Title:   Curves and Morphing



    Existing 3D mesh-morphing techniques are often limited to cases in which 3D source meshes to be morphed are topologically equivalent. Previously, we published a 3D mesh-morphing scheme based on interpolation of 3D source meshes by using a 4D tetrahedral mesh. While the algorithm could potentially morph source meshes of different topological types, it lacked an effective way to explicitly control evolution of topology. This sketch presents a new approach to explicitly specifying a path of topological evolution while morphing 3D meshes of different topological types. The formalism we employed, while concise, is expressive enough to precisely specify all the possible topological changes that could occur during such topology-altering mesh morphing.


    1. Ohbuchi, R., Kokojima, Y., & Takahashi, S. (2001). Blending shapes by using subdivision surfaces. Computers and Graphics, 25 (1), 41-58.
    2. Fomenko, A.T. & Kunii, T. L. (1997). Topological modeling for visualization. Springer-Verlag, 105-125.

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