“Example-based elastic materials” by Martin, Thomaszewski, Grinspun and Gross

  • ©Sebastian Martin, Bernhard Thomaszewski, Eitan Grinspun, and Markus Gross




    Example-based elastic materials



    We propose an example-based approach for simulating complex elastic material behavior. Supplied with a few poses that characterize a given object, our system starts by constructing a space of prefered deformations by means of interpolation. During simulation, this example manifold then acts as an additional elastic attractor that guides the object towards its space of prefered shapes. Added on top of existing solid simulation codes, this example potential effectively allows us to implement inhomogeneous and anisotropic materials in a direct and intuitive way. Due to its example-based interface, our method promotes an art-directed approach to solid simulation, which we exemplify on a set of practical examples.


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