“Evolutionary Piecewise Developable Approximations” by Zhao, Li, Zhang, Fang, Liu, et al. …

  • ©Zheng-Yu Zhao, Mo Li, Zheng Zhang, Qing Fang, Ligang Liu, and Xiao-Ming Fu




    Evolutionary Piecewise Developable Approximations

Session/Category Title:   All About Meshes




    We propose a novel method to compute high-quality piecewise developable approximations for triangular meshes. Central to our approach is an evolutionary genetic algorithm for optimizing the combinatorial and discontinuous fitness function, including the approximation error, the number of patches, the patch boundary length, and the penalty for small patches and narrow regions within patches. The genetic algorithm’s operations (i.e., initialization, selection, mutation, and crossover) are explicitly designed to minimize the fitness function.The main challenge is evaluating the fitness function’s approximation error as it requires developable patches, which are difficult or time-consuming to obtain. Resolving the challenge is based on a critical observation: the approximation error and the mapping distortion between an input surface and its developable approximation are positively correlated empirically. To efficiently measure distortion without explicitly generating developable shapes, we creatively use conformal mapping techniques. Then, we control the mapping distortion at a relatively low level to achieve high shape similarity in the genetic algorithm.The feasibility and effectiveness of our method are demonstrated over 240 complex examples. Compared with the state-of-the-art methods, our results have much smaller approximation errors, fewer patches, shorter patch boundaries, and fewer small patches and narrow regions.


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