“Evaluating performance in immersive displays” by Davalath, Sanford, Agana, McNamara and Parke

  • ©Megha Davalath, Mat Sanford, Anton Agana, Ann McNamara, and Frederic (Fred) I. Parke

  • ©Megha Davalath, Mat Sanford, Anton Agana, Ann McNamara, and Frederic (Fred) I. Parke




    Evaluating performance in immersive displays



    3D Immersive visualization systems provide a novel platform to present complex datasets and virtual environments (VEs). The objective of the research presented here is to compare user-interaction and performance between two immersive displays: a low-cost, tiled, multi-screen immersive visualization system and a more expensive, continuous, immersive visualization facility. The low cost system is designed using off-the-shelf components and constructed by arranging LCD displays in a tiled hemispherical layout. The expensive system is a Rockwell-Collins semi-rigid, rear projected, continuous curved screen. With the low cost paradigm, seams are introduced into the image where the displays are tiled. We hypothesize that the tiled system presents an equivalent visual experience, despite the seams introduced by connecting the screens. Both systems will be tested through psychophysical experimentation designed to measure aspects of human performance. Proving our hypothesis will impact lower budget organizations, currently unable to afford such displays, by providing an opportunity to work with lower cost immersive visualization systems at no sacrifice to user-experience.


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