“Epipolar time-of-flight imaging” by Achar, Bartels, Whittaker, Kutulakos and Narasimhan

  • ©Supreeth Achar, Joseph R. Bartels, William L. (Red) Whittaker, Kiriakos N. Kutulakos, and Srinivasa Narasimhan




    Epipolar time-of-flight imaging

Session/Category Title:   Imaginative Imaging




    Consumer time-of-flight depth cameras like Kinect and PMD are cheap, compact and produce video-rate depth maps in short-range applications. In this paper we apply energy-efficient epipolar imaging to the ToF domain to significantly expand the versatility of these sensors: we demonstrate live 3D imaging at over 15 m range outdoors in bright sunlight; robustness to global transport effects such as specular and diffuse inter-reflections—the first live demonstration for this ToF technology; interference-free 3D imaging in the presence of many ToF sensors, even when they are all operating at the same optical wavelength and modulation frequency; and blur-free, distortion-free 3D video in the presence of severe camera shake. We believe these achievements can make such cheap ToF devices broadly applicable in consumer and robotics domains.


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