“Enviromosaics” by Apte, Loper and McNally

  • ©Salil Apte, Matt Loper, and Pat McNally







    An image mosaic may be defined as “a collection of small images arranged in such a way that when they are seen together from a distance they suggest a larger image” [Finkelstein and Range 1998]. Image mosaics are used in art and advertising for the pictoral juxtaposition of ideas. In this paper, we introduce a method for the automatic creation of mosaics from viewports in a larger image. The technique is then extended to allow the use of video, while retaining temporal. coherence by calculating optimal paths through the larger image.


    1. Efros, A. A., And Freeman, W. T. 2001. Image quilting for texture synthesis and transfer. In SIGGRAPH ’01.
    2. Finkelstein, A., And Range, M. 1998. Image mosaics. In EP ’98/RIDT ’98.
    3. Klein, A. W., Grant, T., Finkelstein, A., And Cohen, M. F. 2002. Video mosaics. In NPAR ’02.

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