“Emotion-driven automatic music arrangement”

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    Emotion-driven automatic music arrangement


    Music has a powerful role in invoking emotions, and high quality orchestral music is increasingly being used in video games and interactive applications. This project aims at developing a music arrangement engine for games and interactive applications, in which orchestral music can be automatically arranged from musical materials, rules and parameters provided by composers, subject to the emotional requirements in a game or an interactive application. Through one single graphical user interface, composer can input musical materials while game designer can specify game states, their transitions, and their associated emotions. Based on this information, the music arrangement engine will automatically generate appropriate music with desired emotional qualities. Section 2 describes the system architecture of our engine and explains how this architecture allows adaptation to different musical styles and composition preferences of different composers. Section 3 describes how game designers and composers define their musical requirements on a single platform and our engine does the rest. Section 4 reports the current status.  


    1. Juslin, P. N., and Sloboda, J. A. 2000. Music and Emotion – Theory and Research. Oxford.
    2. Hevner, K. 1936. Experimental studies of the elements of expression in music. American Journal of Psychology, 48, 621–30.

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