“EasyFont: A Style Learning-Based System to Easily Build Your Large-Scale Handwriting Fonts” by Lian, Zhao, Chen and Xiao

  • ©Zhouhui Lian, Bo Zhao, Xudong Chen, and Jianguo Xiao




    EasyFont: A Style Learning-Based System to Easily Build Your Large-Scale Handwriting Fonts

Session/Category Title:   Design and Layout



    Generating personal handwriting fonts with large amounts of characters is a boring and time-consuming task. For example, the official standard GB18030-2000 for commercial font products consists of 27,533 Chinese characters. Consistently and correctly writing out such huge amounts of characters is usually an impossible mission for ordinary people. To solve this problem, we propose a system, EasyFont, to automatically synthesize personal handwriting for all (e.g., Chinese) characters in the font library by learning style from a small number (as few as 1%) of carefully-selected samples written by an ordinary person. Major technical contributions of our system are twofold. First, we design an effective stroke extraction algorithm that constructs best-suited reference data from a trained font skeleton manifold and then establishes correspondence between target and reference characters via a non-rigid point set registration approach. Second, we develop a set of novel techniques to learn and recover users’ overall handwriting styles and detailed handwriting behaviors. Experiments including Turing tests with 97 participants demonstrate that the proposed system generates high-quality synthesis results, which are indistinguishable from original handwritings. Using our system, for the first time, the practical handwriting font library in a user’s personal style with arbitrarily large numbers of Chinese characters can be generated automatically. It can also be observed from our experiments that recently-popularized deep learning based end-to-end methods are not able to properly handle this task, which implies the necessity of expert knowledge and handcrafted rules for many applications.


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