“Dynamic Adaptive Shadow Maps on Graphics Hardware” by Lefohn, Sengupta, Kniss, Strzodka and Owens

  • ©Aaron E. Lefohn, Shubhabrata Sengupta, Joe M. Kniss, Robert Strzodka, and John D. Owens

  • ©Aaron E. Lefohn, Shubhabrata Sengupta, Joe M. Kniss, Robert Strzodka, and John D. Owens

  • ©Aaron E. Lefohn, Shubhabrata Sengupta, Joe M. Kniss, Robert Strzodka, and John D. Owens




    Dynamic Adaptive Shadow Maps on Graphics Hardware

Session/Category Title:   GPU Programming



    We present a novel implementation of adaptive shadow maps (ASMs) that performs all shadow lookups and scene analysis on the GPU, enabling interactive rendering with ASMs while moving both the light and camera. Adaptive shadow maps [Fernando et al. 2001] offer a rigorous solution to projective and perspective shadow map aliasing while maintaining the simplicity of a purely image-based technique. The complexity of the ASM data structure, however, has prevented full GPU-based implementations until now. Our approach uses an entirely GPU-based data structure and a blend of graphics and GPU stream programming. We support shadow map effective resolutions up to 131,0722 and, unlike previous implementations, provide smooth transitions between resolution levels by trilinearly filtering (mipmapping) the shadow lookups.


    Fernando, R., Fernandez, S., Bala, K., and Greenberg, D. P. 2001. Adaptive shadow maps. In Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2001, Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, 387–390.
    Horn, D. 2005. Stream reduction operations for GPGPU applications. In GPU Gems 2, M. Pharr, Ed. Addison Wesley, Mar., ch. 36, 575–591.
    Lefohn, A. E., Kniss, J., Strzodka, R., Sengupta, S., and Owens, J. D. 2005. Glift: An abstraction for generic, efficient GPU data structures. ACM Transactions on Graphics. To appear.

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