“DreamWorks Animation Presents: The Growth of “How To Train Your Dragon 2”” by Zimmerman, Otto and Walvoord

  • ©Gil Zimmerman, Simon Otto, and David Walvoord




    DreamWorks Animation Presents: The Growth of “How To Train Your Dragon 2”


Project Affiliation:

    DreamWorks Animation


    In this behind-the-scenes panel on the feature animated film, How To Train Your Dragon 2 (June 2014), Writer/Director Dean DeBlois charts the growth of the characters and the nuanced filmmaking necessary to fully realize this next adventure in the secret and emotional world of dragons. Set five years later, Dragon 2 embraces the aging up of the characters, the matured tone, the heightened stakes, the more sophisticated design of the world and the growth of the technology required to meet these challenges. The artistic leadership of Dragon 2 will discuss the creative contributions that went into advancing the complexity and believability of the storytelling and the cinematography, as well as the leap forward the animators were able to make using Apollo, DreamWorks Animation’s ground-breaking next generation animation system.

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