“Directing physics” by Chenney

  • ©Stephen Chenney



Interest Area:

    Production & Animation and Technical


    Directing physics

Session/Category Title:   Adventures in Moving



    An extension of the traditional world model for physically based animations using a Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm to sample animations that are both physically plausible and satisfy a director’s constraints.


    1. 1 Zicheng Liu, Steven J. Gortler and Michael F. Cohen. Hierarchical spacetime control. Computer Graphics: Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 94, 35-42, 1994.
    2. 2 Ronan Barzel, John F. Hughes, and Daniel N. Wood. Plausible motion simulation for computer graphics animation. Computer Animation and Simulation ’96, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Poitiers, France, 184-197, 31 August 31-1 September 1996.
    3. 3 Walter R Gilks, Sylvia Richardson, and David J Spiegelhalter. Markov chain Monte Carlo in practice. Chapman & Hall, 1996.

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