“DIGRAF—a FORTRAN implementation of the proposed GSPC standard” by Warner, Polisher and Kopolow
- DIGRAF—a FORTRAN implementation of the proposed GSPC standard
A machine-independent FORTRAN implementation of the GSPC proposed standard is presented. DIGRAF (Device Independent GRAphics from FORTRAN) has been designed to closely parallel level-3 of the ‘CORE’ system. The present implementation allows portability to any computer with a FORTRAN compiler and a word length of at least 16-bits. Several CORE system design issues are discussed from the implementor’s viewpoint. A breakdown of the functional modules reinforces the portability aspects. Special features of the user interface are presented. A storage structure for retained segments is presented with a review of the memory management alternatives. The device-dependent interface for two common classes of devices is discussed. Finally, the design and data structure techniques used to implement several CORE functions is presented.
1. Blinn, J., Goodrich, A. C., “The Internal Design of the IG Routines,” Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’76, Philadelphia, PA, (SIGGRAPH Quarterly, Vol. 10, No. 2, Summer 1976).
2. Reed, T., “Intermediate File Structure,” (available from T. Reed, LASL, Los Alamos, NM, 87545, 1978).
3. Ryder, B. G., “The PFORT Verifier,” Computer Graphics, Vol 4, No. 4, 1974.
4. Sproull, R., “The OMNIGRAPH Graphics System,” Xerox PARC, Palo Alto, CA.
5. Warner, J., “DIGRAF User’s Reference Guide,” University of Colorado Computing Center, Boulder, CO, 80309.
6. Wright, T., “Machine-Independent Metacode Translation,” Proceedings of SIGGRAPH ’77, San Jose, CA, (SIGGRAPH Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 2, Summer 1977).
7. Wright, T., “BSR X3.9 FORTRAN ’77: DPANS Programming Language FORTRAN,” Technical Committee X3J3 – FORTRAN ANSI, June 1977.
8. Wright, T., “Status Report of the Graphics Standards Planning Committee,” SIGGRAPH Quarterly, Vol. 11, No. 3, Fall 1977.