“Digital Albert Einstein, a Case Study”

  • ©Volker Helzle and Kai Goetz



Entry Number: 58


    Digital Albert Einstein, a Case Study



    We present the production process for a series of short films featuring a digital actor with the likeness of Albert Einstein. The results are an artistic interpretation of Albert Einstein reappearing in contemporary context citing some of his famous quotes. This homage to the physicist and humanist further investigates how documentary film formats can extend their horizon by meaningful inclusion of digital actors. The creation process relied on a set of specialized tools which reduced the labor effort significantly. Digital assets have been released under Creative Commons to support the ongoing effort in creating convincing digital characters.


    Volker Helzle, Christoph Biehn, Thomas Schloemer, and Florian Linner. 2004. Adaptable setup for performance driven facial animation. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2004 Sketches (SIGGRAPH ’04). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 54-.
    Hongchuan Yu, Taku Komura, and Jian J. Zhang. 2017. Data-driven Animation Technology (D2AT). In SIGGRAPH Asia 2017 Workshops (SA ’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 1, 4 pages.



    This project is partly funded by the MFG Foundation in the scope of the Karl-Steinbuch-Forschungsprogramm (KSF) research program. Special thanks to: Ernst Konarek (actor), Leszek Plichta (director and digital sculpting), Lisa Ecker (rigging), Julian Oberbeck (real- time shading), Angela Jedek (animation), Florian Greth (composit- ing), Christian Heck (sound design), Elmar Weinhold (grading), Kader Bagli (generalist), Jiayan Chen (facial hair creation), Simon Spielmann (camera), Andreas Schuster (boom), Claudia Frank (pro- duction design), Frederika Höllrigl (makeup), Holger Schönberger (lighting), Juliane Voigtländer (casting) and Jan Ptassek (sculpt).


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