“Designing Look-And-Feel Using Generalized Crosshatching”

  • ©Yuxiao Du and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Yuxiao Du and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Yuxiao Du and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Yuxiao Du and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Yuxiao Du and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Yuxiao Du and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Yuxiao Du and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Yuxiao Du and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Yuxiao Du and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Yuxiao Du and Ergun Akleman

  • ©Yuxiao Du and Ergun Akleman



Entry Number: 40


    Designing Look-And-Feel Using Generalized Crosshatching



    In this work, we have developed an approach to include any cross-hatching technique into any rendering system with global illumination effects (see Figure 1). Our new approach provide a robust computation to obtain hand-drawn effects for a wide variety of diffuse and specular materials. Our contributions can be summarized as follows: (1) A Barycentric shader that can provide generalized cross-hatching with multi-textures; and (2) A texture synthesis method that can automatically produce crosshatching textures from any given image.


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