“Design of Interactive Multimodal Media Systems” by Booth, Fels, Fisher, Maclean and Rensink

  • ©Kellogg S. Booth, Sidney Fels, Brian Fisher, Karon Maclean, and Ronald Rensink



Entry Number: 15


    Design of Interactive Multimodal Media Systems

Course Organizer(s):



    This course is intended for people who are involved in the design of interactive media and applications for emerging computer display technologies. Attendees should be familiar with the basics of computer graphics and interactive media, but they do not need any particular technical background. 

    The cognitive science of intersensory processing (vision, hearing, haptics) in scene understanding and interaction, including attention, change blindness, haptics, ventriloquism, and space constancy. Enhanced iterative design (the reflective practitioner model) for integration of visual display design, haptic devices, and sonified and integrated visual-auditory environments including virtual environments and community or performance spaces. 

    How traditional human-computer-interaction methodologies augmented with theories and experimental findings from cognitive science address challenges posed by multimodal interaction using vision, haptics, and sound in conventional and immersive computer graphics environments. Attendees learn the theory and practice of multimodal interaction design in a multidisciplinary setting.


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