“Defocus Difference Matting” by McGuire and Matusik

  • ©Morgan McGuire and Wojciech Matusik

  • ©Morgan McGuire and Wojciech Matusik




    Defocus Difference Matting

Session/Category Title:   Cinematography



    Matting is a classic problem in both computer graphics and vision. Practical solutions that yield high quality results are important for special effects in the movie industry. In our defocus difference matting (DDM) approach, we assume that the background is known, typically because it is static and pre- recorded. In this respect, our work is related to blue-screen matting. Two common problems with blue-screen matting are the limitations imposed on the color of the foreground, e.g., the actor cannot wear a blue shirt, and more importantly a color spill of the background on the foreground, which considerably changes the lighting of the scene. Our method alleviates both of these problems.


    McGuire, M., Matusik, W., Pfister, H., Durand, F., And Hughes, J. 2005. Defocus Video Matting. ACM Transactions on Graphics 24, 3 (Aug.).
    Smith, A. R., And Blinn, J. F. 1996. Blue screen matting. In Proc. Computer graphics and interactive techniques, ACM Press, 259–268.

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