“Cooking Southeast Asia-inspired Soup in Animated film” by Wang, Mayeda, Rice, Wickes and Huang

  • ©Cong Wang, Dale Mayeda, Jacob Rice, Thom Wickes, and Benjamin Huang

  • ©Cong Wang, Dale Mayeda, Jacob Rice, Thom Wickes, and Benjamin Huang

  • ©Cong Wang, Dale Mayeda, Jacob Rice, Thom Wickes, and Benjamin Huang



Entry Number: 25


    Cooking Southeast Asia-inspired Soup in Animated film



    Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Raya and the Last Dragon” is an animated film inspired by the people and culture of Southeast Asia.  In “Raya and the Last Dragon”, we created a soup inspired by Thailand’s Tom Yum soup to help represent the food cultural richness of that region. Our goal was a more believable and authentic representation of food than we have previously achieved, which required a novel approach, especially on how to simulate the motion of the chili oil on top of the soup and multiple representative ingredients.  This talk will describe the collaborative process of designing, simulating and creating materials to achieve the final look of the soup. Figure 1 shows three renders under different camera angles.


    Brent Burley, David Adler, Matt Jen-Yuan Chiang, Hank Driskill, Ralf Habel, Patrick Kelly, Peter Kutz, Yining Karl Li, and Daniel Teece. 2018. The Design and Evolution of Disney’s Hyperion Renderer. ACM Trans. Graph. 37, 3, Article 33 (July 2018), 22 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3182159


Additional Images:

©Cong Wang, Dale Mayeda, Jacob Rice, Thom Wickes, and Benjamin Huang ©Cong Wang, Dale Mayeda, Jacob Rice, Thom Wickes, and Benjamin Huang ©Cong Wang, Dale Mayeda, Jacob Rice, Thom Wickes, and Benjamin Huang ©Cong Wang, Dale Mayeda, Jacob Rice, Thom Wickes, and Benjamin Huang ©Cong Wang, Dale Mayeda, Jacob Rice, Thom Wickes, and Benjamin Huang


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