“Context-Based Coherent Surface Completion” by Harary, Tal and Grinspun

  • ©Gur Harary, Ayellet Tal, and Eitan Grinspun




    Context-Based Coherent Surface Completion

Session/Category Title:   Surfaces, Deformation, and Correspondence




    We introduce an algorithm to synthesize missing geometry for a given triangle mesh that has “holes.” Similarly to previous work, the algorithm is context based in that it fills the hole by synthesizing geometry that is similar to the remainder of the input mesh. Our algorithm goes further to impose a coherence objective. A synthesis is coherent if every local neighborhood of the filled hole is similar to some local neighborhood of the input mesh. This requirement avoids undesired features such as can occur in context-based completion. We demonstrate the algorithm’s ability to fill holes that were difficult or impossible to fill in a compelling manner by earlier approaches.


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