“Construction of fractal objects with iterated function systems” by Demko, Hodges and Naylor

  • ©Stephen Demko, Laurie Hodges, and Bruce F. Naylor




    Construction of fractal objects with iterated function systems



    In computer graphics, geometric modeling of complex objects is a difficult process. An important class of complex objects arise from natural phenomena: trees, plants, clouds, mountains, etc. Researchers are at present investigating a variety of techniques for extending modeling capabilities to include these as well as other classes. One mathematical concept that appears to have significant potential for this is fractals. Much interest currently exists in the general scientific community in using fractals as a model of complex natural phenomena. However, only a few methods for generating fractal sets are known. We have been involved in the development of a new approach to computing fractals. Any set of linear maps (affine transformations) and an associated set of probabilities determines an Iterated Function System (IFS). Each IFS has a unique “attractor” which is typically a fractal set (object). Specification of only a few maps can produce very complicated objects. Design of fractal objects is made relatively simple and intuitive by the discovery of an important mathematical property relating the fractal sets to the IFS. The method also provides the possibility of solving the inverse problem. given the geometry of an object, determine an IFS that will (approximately) generate that geometry. This paper presents the application of the theory of IFS to geometric modeling.


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