“Construction and optimal search of interpolated motion graphs” by Safonova and Hodgins

  • ©Alla Safonova and Jessica K. Hodgins




    Construction and optimal search of interpolated motion graphs



    Many compelling applications would become feasible if novice users had the ability to synthesize high quality human motion based only on a simple sketch and a few easily specified constraints. We approach this problem by representing the desired motion as an interpolation of two time-scaled paths through a motion graph. The graph is constructed to support interpolation and pruned for efficient search. We use an anytime version of A* search to find a globally optimal solution in this graph that satisfies the user’s specification. Our approach retains the natural transitions of motion graphs and the ability to synthesize physically realistic variations provided by interpolation. We demonstrate the power of this approach by synthesizing optimal or near optimal motions that include a variety of behaviors in a single motion.


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