“Computer drafting of stones, wood, plant and ground materials” by Yessios

  • ©Chris I. Yessios




    Computer drafting of stones, wood, plant and ground materials



    Architectural presentation drawings frequently require the drafting of stones, wood patterns, plants and ground materials, which, contrary to the majority of drafting tasks, cannot rely on repetitious procedures. This paper discusses and illustrates computer implemented algorithms which generate graphic representations of the above materials. Simulating a process known to be applied in practice is certainly a sound approach, and one such algorithm, applicable for the derivation of stone walls, is presented, But the majority of the algorithms discussed are based on a technique which introduces randomly generated disturbances on initially regular patterns. The latter algorithms in particular have produced highly satisfactory graphic representations, which include frequently hand-made qualities.


    1. Eastman, Charles M.: Use of computers instead of drawings in building design, in the Journal of the American Institute of Architects, April 1975.
    2. Eastman, C.M. and Yessios, C.I.: An efficient algorithm for finding the union, intersection and differences of spatial domains, Research Report No. 31, Institute of Physical Planning, Carnegie-Mellon University, 1973.
    3. George, Janges (Ed.): SIGGRAPH ’77 Proceedings, San Jose, Cal., July, 1977.
    4. Knuth, Donald E.: The Art of Computer Programming (Vol. 2/Seminumerical Algorithms), Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1969.
    5. Negroponte, Nicholas: New qualities of Computer interactions, in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Society, Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan, November 1978.
    6. Phillips, Richard L. (Ed.): SIGGRAPH ’78 Proceedings, Atlanta, GA, August 1978.
    7. White, Edward T.: A Graphic Vocabulary for Architectural Presentation, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 1972.
    8. Yessios, Chris I.: Formal languages for site planning, in Spatial Synthesis in Computer-Aided Building Design, C.M. Eastman (Ed.), Applied Science Publishers, 1975.

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