“Computational design and automated fabrication of kirchhoff-plateau surfaces” by Rodríguez, Otaduy and Thomaszewski

  • ©Jesús Pérez Rodríguez, Miguel A. Otaduy, and Bernhard Thomaszewski




    Computational design and automated fabrication of kirchhoff-plateau surfaces

Session/Category Title:   Fabricating Curves, Surfaces & Volumes



    We propose a computational tool for designing Kirchhoff-Plateau Surfaces—planar rod networks embedded in pre-stretched fabric that deploy into complex, three-dimensional shapes. While Kirchhoff-Plateau Surfaces offer an intriguing and expressive design space, navigating this space is made difficult by the highly nonlinear nature of the underlying mechanical problem. In order to tackle this challenge, we propose a user-guided but computer-assisted approach that combines an efficient forward simulation model with a dedicated optimization algorithm in order to implement a powerful set of design tools. We demonstrate our method by designing a diverse set of complex-shaped Kirchhoff-Plateau Surfaces, each validated through physically-fabricated prototypes.


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