“Compressive light field photography using overcomplete dictionaries and optimized projections” by Marwah, Wetzstein, Bando and Raskar

  • ©Kshitij Marwah, Gordon Wetzstein, Yosuke Bando, and Ramesh Raskar




    Compressive light field photography using overcomplete dictionaries and optimized projections

Session/Category Title:   Computational Light Capture




    Light field photography has gained a significant research interest in the last two decades; today, commercial light field cameras are widely available. Nevertheless, most existing acquisition approaches either multiplex a low-resolution light field into a single 2D sensor image or require multiple photographs to be taken for acquiring a high-resolution light field. We propose a compressive light field camera architecture that allows for higher-resolution light fields to be recovered than previously possible from a single image. The proposed architecture comprises three key components: light field atoms as a sparse representation of natural light fields, an optical design that allows for capturing optimized 2D light field projections, and robust sparse reconstruction methods to recover a 4D light field from a single coded 2D projection. In addition, we demonstrate a variety of other applications for light field atoms and sparse coding, including 4D light field compression and denoising.


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